
Chapter 2

Dreams are funny things. All around the Earth, people once believed that they were messages, sent from who knows where, some even believed that they were places where people from this world and the next could meet, but this was just an old superstition wasn’t it? It had no basis in reality or science.

Brownie tried not to remember her dreams they were lucid, and often about fantastical things, They always seemed to spell out that now she was alone in this world, In her dreams she would see her parents, but never quite catch sight of their faces, always in the dream she was trying to glimpse their faces, the shape of their eyes how their noses hooked, the pout of their lips.

And then there are the dreams where she could hear a tiny voice crying, and sometimes she could see that the person sobbing was, in fact, a little girl. The strangest thing was, she always wore a mask? Occasionally she would walk up to the girl and ask her “Why are you crying?” And she would always imagine different answers.
But most of the time she would get the same answer “I’m lost,” just that, “I am lost.” Brownie would always ask “Do you want me to help you?” And for an eternity she’d wait in suspense for the answer?

And usually, she would awaken and never know what the girl wanted.
Often in the still of the night and sweating, her heart beating, she would try to go back to sleep, to get back into the dream but most of the time she was restless And couldn’t,

Each night brownie would only sleep for about five hours.

Time is an even funnier thing! Isn’t it strange, when you think about it? Time goes on and on and yet at some point it returns back on itself, just As sure as the night turns back to day, if you go further enough, what’s late becomes what’s early, and perhaps by that logic lost becomes found.

Brownie was having a lucid dream floating in A tranquil sea of sleep, On a calm ocean down below the waves, drifting under the moons and the stars, like a silk scarf floating on the surface of the of vast open Sea of green.

It was a strange dream, she could feel everything, & anything .. the pull of gravity, the rotation of the planet, the pull of the moons on the oceans, landing on the red planet, the sight of the blue planet as she was flying away from it growing smaller and smaller. She could remember the time of her parents the German shepherd she had when she was 4 the feel of his soft fur, her first tooth, the thousand kisses her parents bestowed on her in their lives, the taste of her mothers milk, the view from the incubator on the ward in the maternity suite, the first light as she came into the world.