
Chapter 43

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Chapter 43   As they gaped into the new morn. Momentarily the party were fooled into assuming it was the moon goddess.   Yet, as the firmament of their eyes readjusted, they plainly perceived the figure of Grozette looking back at them from the bow of the ship. Her image subsided like a theophany that […]


Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 My beloved is the most beautiful, amongst thousands and thousands. A stray thought. She contemplated her navel for a time. She may have imagined hearing a distant voice as Eulin flickered above her head. She couldn’t be sure. It was far away and washed-out by other sounds. The quartet un~vanished from nothingness and […]


Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 Moon blossoms peppered the air as Min paddled the makeshift kayak toward the coastline. The surface of the lake was exceedingly still and reflected the cloud strewn pink sky, heavens most faithful of mirrors. They ploughed slowly beneath the tresses of some river-willows and were snared by an outcrop of reeds that held […]


Chapter 35

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chapter 35 Ash vani looked on from the dark corner of the tent. A spectator, she witnessed Min approach the blind Queen. She appeared to recognise her presence as she turned her ear and her gaze to roughly where her eyes sat neath the blindfold. “Is there someone else here?” she inquired in an uneasy […]


Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 The two girls plummeted through the air. Googlee snared both of them and held them secure in his monstrous sized paws, his grip was firm and resolute as he carried them as gingerly as a mother holding its eggs. To show their gratitude, the duo blew kisses toward him and hailed their saviour […]


Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 Brownie looked at the strange deity “are you talking figuratively? Or do you mean in a metaphorical sense,” she asked precociously? He replied “I mean my dear daughter Brownie, in the organic sense,” Meanwhile, Elkie stood there in awe as she marveled at the man standing on the rocky bank “you’re Kiren, the […]


Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 The Grand Ballroom bustled with courtesans, as entitled people with lavish trinkets attended the summit. The attendees mingled, opulently Virtue signalling as the gentry often did. Back and forth above their sparkling flutes of expensive liquors, whilst indulging in their personal debaucheries. A dandy but a deceitful way of life thought Ash Vani, […]


Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 The light was blinding as Brownie wandered attached to the others like a human/animal chain, she could hear a ringing in her ears from far away as the first sensation that hit her was the cool breeze and the sound of the ocean. The smell of the briny sea Found her nostrils as […]


Chapter 12

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Chapter 12. The forest edge, at the woodcutter’s station. The two pottered about the small encampment, keeping themselves busy. Brownie mulled over the events of the previous 48 hours; it was hard to digest, like something out of a horror movie, it made her head hurt thinking about it. The dusk was encroaching again, and […]


Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Brownie felt apprehensive as she waited outside the small room that Bieber called ” her office”. Outside the portal of redwood and brass marquetry. It was no different to the other doors just an essential looking screen to shut out unpleasantness. Beiber had asked Brownie to meet her here after lunch and empathized […]