
Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 The night grew a little older and a little more frigid as the nocturnal fragrance of wysteria seeped in through the pores of the ancient temple. Its old bones heaved and settled as its foundations shifted. Its pulse oscillated almost beyond perception as if some other sense were required to fathom it all. […]


Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Brownie felt apprehensive as she waited outside the small room that Bieber called ” her office”. Outside the portal of redwood and brass marquetry. It was no different to the other doors just an essential looking screen to shut out unpleasantness. Beiber had asked Brownie to meet her here after lunch and empathized […]


Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Eulin felt slightly peccant as he flew away. He had missed the feeling of flying, the wind beneath his wings, spreading his primaries to the air, feeling them ruffle back and forth in the turbulence of the wind. This was indeed his first long flight since his accident. It felt good; it was […]


Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 It had been 33 days and 33 nights …companionship with Kay & Eulin, had grown gradually as time went on, they seemed to trust her, she had learned a lot about the pair of them and the unique Martian customs and its culture, its little quirks and eccentricities. Eulin enjoyed singing early in […]


Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 After the laughter had died down, the three of them began to slowly scramble to their feet, shrugging off their aches and pains they reoriented themselves “let’s get this door closed!” Kay said as he pushed the door too and slid the bolts home. Brownie felt positively bedraggled, dusty and damp she cast […]