
Chapter 48

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Chapter 48 Time, some may say, is perceived as an abstract dimension of the universe. A corridor that exists inside and outside all things in simultaneity. However, the consensus in these parts perceived reality as many different processes, some complete, some that were still unfolding, and some that had yet to be. When he first […]


Chapter 47

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Chapter 47 Emsie once wrote. That, He had no notion of how the armies of acrimony would wage the upcoming war, but the war after, they’d fight with sticks and stones in the wreckage of what remained. It gave grounds for current thinking, to abstain from using the weaponry of former times. . The Banshee, […]


Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 My beloved is the most beautiful, amongst thousands and thousands. A stray thought. She contemplated her navel for a time. She may have imagined hearing a distant voice as Eulin flickered above her head. She couldn’t be sure. It was far away and washed-out by other sounds. The quartet un~vanished from nothingness and […]


Chapter 39

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Chapter 39.   Darkness can be lonely.   Tal found herself, Her authentic self alone in the pitch ambience of the occasion. The numerous glossy eyes of Joro stared back at her, as she took a glimpse of her reflection, though terrible it was. This place now stood Barren, melancholy and necropolitan, As a brisk […]


Chapter 35

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chapter 35 Ash vani looked on from the dark corner of the tent. A spectator, she witnessed Min approach the blind Queen. She appeared to recognise her presence as she turned her ear and her gaze to roughly where her eyes sat neath the blindfold. “Is there someone else here?” she inquired in an uneasy […]


Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 Brownie looked at the strange deity “are you talking figuratively? Or do you mean in a metaphorical sense,” she asked precociously? He replied “I mean my dear daughter Brownie, in the organic sense,” Meanwhile, Elkie stood there in awe as she marveled at the man standing on the rocky bank “you’re Kiren, the […]


Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 The four of them scurried along the twisty turny narrow alleyways of the city. Running under open skies and archways like harvest mice as their hair and garments rustled like streamers that followed their path closely through the air until at last, they found themselves standing still at a small unfrequented square. Amongst […]


Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 Life is like a reunion, and that’s how I first met you. Brownie was thinking about the prose of the Martian poetry in her mind it didn’t seem to make complete sense to her, it seemed somewhat contradictory, the deeper meaning escaped her. How can someone be reunited and meet for the very […]


Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 It was remarkably quiet. Silent like the calmness that permeates the ether before the eve of the Tempest. The morning mist marched from the fields of lavender wheat down towards the lowland pastures, Hidden in their holes they lingered, their bodies camouflaged, as they laid in wait for the lioness of the Queen’s […]


Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 Tumjai cast his thoughts back to Those days… the dormant memories lied scattered so far away like shadows. He recalled the small rooms in the embassy that were dimly lit, they were cramped like small interrogation rooms and only scarcely decorated. Amongst the fixtures and fittings were pictures of majestic misty volcanoes that […]