
Chapter 48

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Chapter 48 Time, some may say, is perceived as an abstract dimension of the universe. A corridor that exists inside and outside all things in simultaneity. However, the consensus in these parts perceived reality as many different processes, some complete, some that were still unfolding, and some that had yet to be. When he first […]


Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 Quietude, an uncomplicated word. Esmie once wrote That the beginning of wisdom is the ability to state facts precisely. If words are not correct, and what is spoke, is not what is meant. Then what remains is fractured. Morals, Art and Justice, the people’s perception of them, is damaged. Make no mistake, the […]


Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 The crisp morning had broken, the first strands of light had begun to diffuse the horizon, as the two sisters sat comfortably, perched Up high in the bough of a once-mighty sendel tree. The aged tree Stood princely in the desolate corner of the now quiet municipal campus and watched down upon the […]


Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 The two girls plummeted through the air. Googlee snared both of them and held them secure in his monstrous sized paws, his grip was firm and resolute as he carried them as gingerly as a mother holding its eggs. To show their gratitude, the duo blew kisses toward him and hailed their saviour […]


Chapter 29

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Chapter 29   She had just finished sealing the hole to the underground tunnels. And now, Grozette lay winded upon the ground, as the menacing abomination loomed above her. She scarcely managed to turn over when the dark shape flew like a long black ribbon making loops upon loops, in the velvety dark of the […]


Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 There’s a pain that can’t be spoken. Ash vani stumbled as she pushed herself on weary and sleep deprived, up to the brow of the hill. As the sighing breeze ruffled the striations of her russet hair … It was a hindrance that Kalithia province had so many rolling hills and trenches, but […]


Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 She loves me. T’was night, and the stars above them glistened like crushed diamonds on blankets of pitch-black velvet. The amber moon (los) and the silver moon (Nula) shone down. Like lucid maidens picking apart forget-me-nots and scattering them into the solitude of the silent night. She loves me not. Was this all […]


Chapter 25

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CHAPTER 25 “I Tallulah, pledge my obedience, I will work for wickedness and numb my heart.” Recounted the anomalous Witch as she struck a distinguished figure with a youthful appearance. She sported an ivory gown that shimmered in the sunshine and wore tiny white flowers that were incorporated into strands of her slate grey hair. […]


Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 The Grand Ballroom bustled with courtesans, as entitled people with lavish trinkets attended the summit. The attendees mingled, opulently Virtue signalling as the gentry often did. Back and forth above their sparkling flutes of expensive liquors, whilst indulging in their personal debaucheries. A dandy but a deceitful way of life thought Ash Vani, […]


Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 Life is like a reunion, and that’s how I first met you. Brownie was thinking about the prose of the Martian poetry in her mind it didn’t seem to make complete sense to her, it seemed somewhat contradictory, the deeper meaning escaped her. How can someone be reunited and meet for the very […]