
Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 Moon blossoms peppered the air as Min paddled the makeshift kayak toward the coastline. The surface of the lake was exceedingly still and reflected the cloud strewn pink sky, heavens most faithful of mirrors. They ploughed slowly beneath the tresses of some river-willows and were snared by an outcrop of reeds that held […]


Chapter 39

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Chapter 39.   Darkness can be lonely.   Tal found herself, Her authentic self alone in the pitch ambience of the occasion. The numerous glossy eyes of Joro stared back at her, as she took a glimpse of her reflection, though terrible it was. This place now stood Barren, melancholy and necropolitan, As a brisk […]


Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 The morning was colder than it had been recently. The skies were gloomy and overcast. The only other signs of life were the black shapes of the birds above the horizon. They ascended over the river in a delta formation as the ships Slowly drifted until. Eventually, they found their moorings at the […]


Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Brownie stood at the edge of the precipice, the canyon seemed to go On for forever, there didn’t seem to be any bridges, at least there were none that she could see. The skyline was pale blue with only a tinge of pink that showed in the cirrocumulus shaped clouds that spanned the […]


Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 The sound of steel clanking and panic hung in the air, as people ran frantically for their lives towards the only exit, they were running from their seats toward the entrance, trampling the ones that moved slowly but they were cut down easily anyway. Some lied askew on the mosaic floor as their […]


Chapter 3

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Chapter 3. In the dream brownie felt as if she were leaving, where am I going to she thought to herself, she couldn’t but sense that something was preventing her was it regret or just a question that alluded answers, it was something in the way. she heard A bell ring far away, like the […]


Chapter 2

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Dreams are funny things. All around the Earth, people once believed that they were messages, sent from who knows where, some even believed that they were places where people from this world and the next could meet, but this was just an old superstition wasn’t it? It had no basis in reality or science. Brownie […]