
chapter 46

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Chapter 46 “We should not linger here!” protested Ash Vani tremulously. She looked around with dread.   The small threesome crossed a knot of old, broken trees. As the natural light dwindled. They trampled through ferns, breathing in the air thick with pollen. They well knew it to flummox minds, and it weighed heavily on […]


Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 Quietude, an uncomplicated word. Esmie once wrote That the beginning of wisdom is the ability to state facts precisely. If words are not correct, and what is spoke, is not what is meant. Then what remains is fractured. Morals, Art and Justice, the people’s perception of them, is damaged. Make no mistake, the […]


Chapter 35

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chapter 35 Ash vani looked on from the dark corner of the tent. A spectator, she witnessed Min approach the blind Queen. She appeared to recognise her presence as she turned her ear and her gaze to roughly where her eyes sat neath the blindfold. “Is there someone else here?” she inquired in an uneasy […]


Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 Brownie looked at the strange deity “are you talking figuratively? Or do you mean in a metaphorical sense,” she asked precociously? He replied “I mean my dear daughter Brownie, in the organic sense,” Meanwhile, Elkie stood there in awe as she marveled at the man standing on the rocky bank “you’re Kiren, the […]