
Chapter 45

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Chapter 45   “Are you sure this will succeed?” asked Jai in an ambiguous tone. “Not really, no!” replied Vee, throwing on a shade of the intellectual in the mundane hope that his remarks could fork some lightning.   Una, the not yet fully mended, was quieter than was customary. As all she managed to […]


Chapter 40

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Chapter 40   It starts with one.   One with the desire to endure beyond prudence. A lone blade of grass that refuses to lie down in the breeze, as the wind boisterous and undaunting is tested.   Deep within the caverns of Lifrin, two forgotten burial mounds of stones remained overlooked amongst the craggy […]


Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 The four of them scurried along the twisty turny narrow alleyways of the city. Running under open skies and archways like harvest mice as their hair and garments rustled like streamers that followed their path closely through the air until at last, they found themselves standing still at a small unfrequented square. Amongst […]


Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Brownie stood at the edge of the precipice, the canyon seemed to go On for forever, there didn’t seem to be any bridges, at least there were none that she could see. The skyline was pale blue with only a tinge of pink that showed in the cirrocumulus shaped clouds that spanned the […]


Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 Oh, sweet silence, where is thy sting? What is the make-up of a person is it the deeds we do in life? Or is it the experiences we share through lovingly told anecdotes, ponder then are we able to choose our own future, or does society itself dictate the heights we can aspire […]


Chapter 12

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Chapter 12. The forest edge, at the woodcutter’s station. The two pottered about the small encampment, keeping themselves busy. Brownie mulled over the events of the previous 48 hours; it was hard to digest, like something out of a horror movie, it made her head hurt thinking about it. The dusk was encroaching again, and […]


Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Sadness prevailed over the sleepy village of Mārin, on every corner there were little candles placed in memorium for those that had fallen. Mothers wept salty tears for their sons that would never again return home. Fathers grieved for their Daughters, no longer would they feel their tiny hands pressed into theirs, or […]


Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 The sound of steel clanking and panic hung in the air, as people ran frantically for their lives towards the only exit, they were running from their seats toward the entrance, trampling the ones that moved slowly but they were cut down easily anyway. Some lied askew on the mosaic floor as their […]


Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Eulin felt slightly peccant as he flew away. He had missed the feeling of flying, the wind beneath his wings, spreading his primaries to the air, feeling them ruffle back and forth in the turbulence of the wind. This was indeed his first long flight since his accident. It felt good; it was […]


Chapter 2

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Dreams are funny things. All around the Earth, people once believed that they were messages, sent from who knows where, some even believed that they were places where people from this world and the next could meet, but this was just an old superstition wasn’t it? It had no basis in reality or science. Brownie […]