
chapter 46

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Chapter 46 “We should not linger here!” protested Ash Vani tremulously. She looked around with dread.   The small threesome crossed a knot of old, broken trees. As the natural light dwindled. They trampled through ferns, breathing in the air thick with pollen. They well knew it to flummox minds, and it weighed heavily on […]


Chapter 44

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Chapter 44 Cold and sweaty, the man woke. He sat bolt upright in the still of the quiet night. There was silence. It wasn’t just the fact that it was hushed. It was the peculiar realisation that there were no other sounds at all. He gazed upon his bedsheets; they were Saturated with perspiration and […]


Chapter 39

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Chapter 39.   Darkness can be lonely.   Tal found herself, Her authentic self alone in the pitch ambience of the occasion. The numerous glossy eyes of Joro stared back at her, as she took a glimpse of her reflection, though terrible it was. This place now stood Barren, melancholy and necropolitan, As a brisk […]


Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 Faraway overlooking Mārin village, a small coven congregated. descant figures in black robes, wearing conical hoods. The noir shapes wore terrifying occult masks and flocked queerly for a black mass. They held their lanterns aloft and softly chanted their demonic whisperings as they trafficked their light onward into the bleakness of the night, […]


Chapter 25

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CHAPTER 25 “I Tallulah, pledge my obedience, I will work for wickedness and numb my heart.” Recounted the anomalous Witch as she struck a distinguished figure with a youthful appearance. She sported an ivory gown that shimmered in the sunshine and wore tiny white flowers that were incorporated into strands of her slate grey hair. […]


Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 Life is like a reunion, and that’s how I first met you. Brownie was thinking about the prose of the Martian poetry in her mind it didn’t seem to make complete sense to her, it seemed somewhat contradictory, the deeper meaning escaped her. How can someone be reunited and meet for the very […]


Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 It was remarkably quiet. Silent like the calmness that permeates the ether before the eve of the Tempest. The morning mist marched from the fields of lavender wheat down towards the lowland pastures, Hidden in their holes they lingered, their bodies camouflaged, as they laid in wait for the lioness of the Queen’s […]


Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 The sound of steel clanking and panic hung in the air, as people ran frantically for their lives towards the only exit, they were running from their seats toward the entrance, trampling the ones that moved slowly but they were cut down easily anyway. Some lied askew on the mosaic floor as their […]


Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Eulin felt slightly peccant as he flew away. He had missed the feeling of flying, the wind beneath his wings, spreading his primaries to the air, feeling them ruffle back and forth in the turbulence of the wind. This was indeed his first long flight since his accident. It felt good; it was […]


Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 It was the 520th day; this year had been irksome the winter months had been too cold, and the snow had fallen relentlessly, pearling onto people’s roof terraces and by the sides of the promenade, the last piles of snow turning from pink to dark grey blobs. The spring had been far too […]