
Chapter 45

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Chapter 45   “Are you sure this will succeed?” asked Jai in an ambiguous tone. “Not really, no!” replied Vee, throwing on a shade of the intellectual in the mundane hope that his remarks could fork some lightning.   Una, the not yet fully mended, was quieter than was customary. As all she managed to […]


Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 Faraway overlooking Mārin village, a small coven congregated. descant figures in black robes, wearing conical hoods. The noir shapes wore terrifying occult masks and flocked queerly for a black mass. They held their lanterns aloft and softly chanted their demonic whisperings as they trafficked their light onward into the bleakness of the night, […]


Chapter 35

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chapter 35 Ash vani looked on from the dark corner of the tent. A spectator, she witnessed Min approach the blind Queen. She appeared to recognise her presence as she turned her ear and her gaze to roughly where her eyes sat neath the blindfold. “Is there someone else here?” she inquired in an uneasy […]


Chapter 29

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Chapter 29   She had just finished sealing the hole to the underground tunnels. And now, Grozette lay winded upon the ground, as the menacing abomination loomed above her. She scarcely managed to turn over when the dark shape flew like a long black ribbon making loops upon loops, in the velvety dark of the […]


Chapter 25

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CHAPTER 25 “I Tallulah, pledge my obedience, I will work for wickedness and numb my heart.” Recounted the anomalous Witch as she struck a distinguished figure with a youthful appearance. She sported an ivory gown that shimmered in the sunshine and wore tiny white flowers that were incorporated into strands of her slate grey hair. […]


Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 The Grand Ballroom bustled with courtesans, as entitled people with lavish trinkets attended the summit. The attendees mingled, opulently Virtue signalling as the gentry often did. Back and forth above their sparkling flutes of expensive liquors, whilst indulging in their personal debaucheries. A dandy but a deceitful way of life thought Ash Vani, […]


Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 The morning was colder than it had been recently. The skies were gloomy and overcast. The only other signs of life were the black shapes of the birds above the horizon. They ascended over the river in a delta formation as the ships Slowly drifted until. Eventually, they found their moorings at the […]


Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Why do I get a nudibrym, and you get a mantilla?” Protested the young attaché vee vee. Ūna looked back towards him with a sardonic grin” don’t knock Rex he’s been my faithful squire for many a year!” The mantilla (Ibliss) was jet black; his kind were amongst the best mode of transport […]


Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Brownie felt apprehensive as she waited outside the small room that Bieber called ” her office”. Outside the portal of redwood and brass marquetry. It was no different to the other doors just an essential looking screen to shut out unpleasantness. Beiber had asked Brownie to meet her here after lunch and empathized […]


Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Eulin felt slightly peccant as he flew away. He had missed the feeling of flying, the wind beneath his wings, spreading his primaries to the air, feeling them ruffle back and forth in the turbulence of the wind. This was indeed his first long flight since his accident. It felt good; it was […]