
chapter 46

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Chapter 46 “We should not linger here!” protested Ash Vani tremulously. She looked around with dread.   The small threesome crossed a knot of old, broken trees. As the natural light dwindled. They trampled through ferns, breathing in the air thick with pollen. They well knew it to flummox minds, and it weighed heavily on […]


Chapter 45

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Chapter 45   “Are you sure this will succeed?” asked Jai in an ambiguous tone. “Not really, no!” replied Vee, throwing on a shade of the intellectual in the mundane hope that his remarks could fork some lightning.   Una, the not yet fully mended, was quieter than was customary. As all she managed to […]


Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 Faraway overlooking Mārin village, a small coven congregated. descant figures in black robes, wearing conical hoods. The noir shapes wore terrifying occult masks and flocked queerly for a black mass. They held their lanterns aloft and softly chanted their demonic whisperings as they trafficked their light onward into the bleakness of the night, […]


chapter 30

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Chapter 30 It was a tranquil afternoon as thenoon-day sun shone its rays across the rolling hills and upon the lucent surface of the estuary that moved along languidly. Tawny Legette’s above soared from the eaves of tall white Sendal trees. They grew just below the misty pelmet of the lonely mountain. The mountains name […]


Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 The Grand Ballroom bustled with courtesans, as entitled people with lavish trinkets attended the summit. The attendees mingled, opulently Virtue signalling as the gentry often did. Back and forth above their sparkling flutes of expensive liquors, whilst indulging in their personal debaucheries. A dandy but a deceitful way of life thought Ash Vani, […]


Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 The four of them scurried along the twisty turny narrow alleyways of the city. Running under open skies and archways like harvest mice as their hair and garments rustled like streamers that followed their path closely through the air until at last, they found themselves standing still at a small unfrequented square. Amongst […]


Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 The light was blinding as Brownie wandered attached to the others like a human/animal chain, she could hear a ringing in her ears from far away as the first sensation that hit her was the cool breeze and the sound of the ocean. The smell of the briny sea Found her nostrils as […]


Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 Life is like a reunion, and that’s how I first met you. Brownie was thinking about the prose of the Martian poetry in her mind it didn’t seem to make complete sense to her, it seemed somewhat contradictory, the deeper meaning escaped her. How can someone be reunited and meet for the very […]


Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Brownie stood at the edge of the precipice, the canyon seemed to go On for forever, there didn’t seem to be any bridges, at least there were none that she could see. The skyline was pale blue with only a tinge of pink that showed in the cirrocumulus shaped clouds that spanned the […]


Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Why do I get a nudibrym, and you get a mantilla?” Protested the young attaché vee vee. Ūna looked back towards him with a sardonic grin” don’t knock Rex he’s been my faithful squire for many a year!” The mantilla (Ibliss) was jet black; his kind were amongst the best mode of transport […]