
Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 Moon blossoms peppered the air as Min paddled the makeshift kayak toward the coastline. The surface of the lake was exceedingly still and reflected the cloud strewn pink sky, heavens most faithful of mirrors. They ploughed slowly beneath the tresses of some river-willows and were snared by an outcrop of reeds that held […]


Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 Quietude, an uncomplicated word. Esmie once wrote That the beginning of wisdom is the ability to state facts precisely. If words are not correct, and what is spoke, is not what is meant. Then what remains is fractured. Morals, Art and Justice, the people’s perception of them, is damaged. Make no mistake, the […]


Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 The two girls plummeted through the air. Googlee snared both of them and held them secure in his monstrous sized paws, his grip was firm and resolute as he carried them as gingerly as a mother holding its eggs. To show their gratitude, the duo blew kisses toward him and hailed their saviour […]


Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 Tumjai cast his thoughts back to Those days… the dormant memories lied scattered so far away like shadows. He recalled the small rooms in the embassy that were dimly lit, they were cramped like small interrogation rooms and only scarcely decorated. Amongst the fixtures and fittings were pictures of majestic misty volcanoes that […]


Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Sadness prevailed over the sleepy village of Mārin, on every corner there were little candles placed in memorium for those that had fallen. Mothers wept salty tears for their sons that would never again return home. Fathers grieved for their Daughters, no longer would they feel their tiny hands pressed into theirs, or […]


Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 The sound of steel clanking and panic hung in the air, as people ran frantically for their lives towards the only exit, they were running from their seats toward the entrance, trampling the ones that moved slowly but they were cut down easily anyway. Some lied askew on the mosaic floor as their […]


Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Dreams are funny things…Brownie had the reoccurring dream once again. She was in a strange place, and for some reason it felt eerie, and the light was gloomy, she could see very little. It was daytime though Brownie trying to get her bearings but failing to make or recognize any point of reference […]


Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 It had been 33 days and 33 nights …companionship with Kay & Eulin, had grown gradually as time went on, they seemed to trust her, she had learned a lot about the pair of them and the unique Martian customs and its culture, its little quirks and eccentricities. Eulin enjoyed singing early in […]


Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 After the laughter had died down, the three of them began to slowly scramble to their feet, shrugging off their aches and pains they reoriented themselves “let’s get this door closed!” Kay said as he pushed the door too and slid the bolts home. Brownie felt positively bedraggled, dusty and damp she cast […]


Chapter 0

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Martian fairytales the beginning -0- She had Always wanted to go on an adventure, not the type of girl that could settle or rest on her laurels, a bright vibrant young soul always looking for the next thrill. So, when she overheard one of the security officers at the compound, tell of a new fantastical […]