
Chapter 45

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Chapter 45   “Are you sure this will succeed?” asked Jai in an ambiguous tone. “Not really, no!” replied Vee, throwing on a shade of the intellectual in the mundane hope that his remarks could fork some lightning.   Una, the not yet fully mended, was quieter than was customary. As all she managed to […]


Chapter 43

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Chapter 43   As they gaped into the new morn. Momentarily the party were fooled into assuming it was the moon goddess.   Yet, as the firmament of their eyes readjusted, they plainly perceived the figure of Grozette looking back at them from the bow of the ship. Her image subsided like a theophany that […]


Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 Moon blossoms peppered the air as Min paddled the makeshift kayak toward the coastline. The surface of the lake was exceedingly still and reflected the cloud strewn pink sky, heavens most faithful of mirrors. They ploughed slowly beneath the tresses of some river-willows and were snared by an outcrop of reeds that held […]


Chapter 40

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Chapter 40   It starts with one.   One with the desire to endure beyond prudence. A lone blade of grass that refuses to lie down in the breeze, as the wind boisterous and undaunting is tested.   Deep within the caverns of Lifrin, two forgotten burial mounds of stones remained overlooked amongst the craggy […]


Chapter 39

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Chapter 39.   Darkness can be lonely.   Tal found herself, Her authentic self alone in the pitch ambience of the occasion. The numerous glossy eyes of Joro stared back at her, as she took a glimpse of her reflection, though terrible it was. This place now stood Barren, melancholy and necropolitan, As a brisk […]


Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 The night grew a little older and a little more frigid as the nocturnal fragrance of wysteria seeped in through the pores of the ancient temple. Its old bones heaved and settled as its foundations shifted. Its pulse oscillated almost beyond perception as if some other sense were required to fathom it all. […]


chapter 30

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Chapter 30 It was a tranquil afternoon as thenoon-day sun shone its rays across the rolling hills and upon the lucent surface of the estuary that moved along languidly. Tawny Legette’s above soared from the eaves of tall white Sendal trees. They grew just below the misty pelmet of the lonely mountain. The mountains name […]


Chapter 25

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CHAPTER 25 “I Tallulah, pledge my obedience, I will work for wickedness and numb my heart.” Recounted the anomalous Witch as she struck a distinguished figure with a youthful appearance. She sported an ivory gown that shimmered in the sunshine and wore tiny white flowers that were incorporated into strands of her slate grey hair. […]


Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 The light was blinding as Brownie wandered attached to the others like a human/animal chain, she could hear a ringing in her ears from far away as the first sensation that hit her was the cool breeze and the sound of the ocean. The smell of the briny sea Found her nostrils as […]


Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 Brownie stood at the edge of the precipice, the canyon seemed to go On for forever, there didn’t seem to be any bridges, at least there were none that she could see. The skyline was pale blue with only a tinge of pink that showed in the cirrocumulus shaped clouds that spanned the […]